Offshore Bank Account Opening Fees

from Maritime International Ltd.

Introductions are made to offshore and private banks for the opening of offshore bank accounts for corporate or personal use. Offshore banking in the Caribbean, Latin America, Asia-Pacific Region and Europe.
Real People, Real Answers in Real Time.
offshore banking, offshore companies, offshore bank account


Maritime International Limited arranges introductions to offshore and private banks for the opening of offshore bank accounts for corporate or personal use. Offshore banking is available in the Caribbean, Latin America, Asia-Pacific Region and Europe.

Personal Bank Account: US $415 * See NOTE below.
Corporate Bank Account: US $415 and up when part of the incorporation of a company/trust/foundation.

US $550 and up, when an existing client wishes a second bank account for a company/trust/foundation, for which we set up the first bank account.

US $650 and up, when an existing client wishes a bank account for a company/trust/foundation set up by us, but for which a bank account was not set up as part of the incorporation.

Note: The above differences in fees reflect the increased workload of the different scenarios.
Courier: US $75 per courier

* NOTE: We only open offshore bank accounts for clients with whom we have an existing relationship, i.e. clients for whom we have or are incorporating companies, or for whom we have provided other services.


  • Advising on the appropriate banks fitting the company's needs.
  • Advising on bank fees, deposit requirements, restrictions and other bank regulations.
  • Advising on bank Due Diligence requirements.
  • Preparing the required corporate Minutes and Resolution authorizing the opening of the bank account.
  • Completing the required bank account opening documents with the corporate details.
  • Advising the client on information the client needs to put into the bank account opening documents, and what KYC the client needs to provide to the bank.
  • Assisting the client with questions posed by the bank.
  • Fees do not include apostilles, notarizations and/or other documents, if any, which may be required by the bank.


If you are located outside the US/Canada or major European centres, you may wish to consider our optional banking packages such as our Basic Account Maintenance Services. The reason is that communications with your offshore banks can be expensive in time and money, particularly where phone rates are high and/or lines are unreliable. Banks of course are also notoriously slow in phoning or faxing you back.

With Maritime International Limited's Basic Account Maintenance Services, one call to us and we handle the matter, whether it be tracing transfers, confirming balances, sorting out credit card problems, etc. And all at one low yearly fee of US $200, plus communications costs. Our Basic Account Maintenance Services also includes our Banking Address Services, at no additional charge.

Alternately, you may wish to take advantage of our Banking Address Services. With this service all bank statements, credit/debit slips, etc. come to us. We either hold them or send them to wherever you direct. If we hold them and you wish to check statements, etc. you simply phone or fax us and we open them and read or fax details off to you, or we can scan them and send copies by email. The cost is US $75 per year plus communications charges for mail or courier forwarding, or US $90 per year for forwarding via email.

Click here for complete details on our optional Offshore Banking and Offshore Company Management services.

General Information

Why Incorporate Offshore?
Why Choose Maritime Int'l?
Client Testimonials
Offshore News & Updates
Fraud & Scam Alert

Professional Services

Offshore Companies
Offshore Bank Accounts
Offshore Debit / ATM Cards
Brokerage & Forex Accounts
Offshore Investment Funds
Offshore Trusts
Offshore Foundations
Asian Investment
Wealth Management
Virtual Office Services
Second Citizenship / Passport
Corporate Management

Additional Services

Currency & Forex Tools
Global Health Insurance
Web Design Solutions
Web Traffic Tools
Global Domain Registration
Other Services & Links

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Offshore bank account opening, offshore companies, asset protection trusts & offshore banking since 1990.